Friday, December 7, 2007

Good Stuff

But I won't sell no flowers no that ain't my gig
And I won't sell no cow, fish, fowl or pig
But I'll sell a bucket of peaches to Prine
'Cept he's got his own tree so he ain't shakin' mine

Corey and I were talking last night, and we realized that we sure do a lot of complaining considering how lucky we are. Yes, I hate my job and his is becoming more stressful. Yes, we are surrounded by crazy people with entirely too many made-up issues. Yes, we are poor. Yes, we're both busy. Yes, neither of us is where we want to be nor doing what we want to do.

But we really are so lucky. We have an amazing time together. We love each other and there's nothing complicated about our relationship at all. We have wonderful friends who we have a blast with (when they're in town), we're both healthy and vibrant and young.

So what's with all the bitching?

I've decided to dedicate this blog (on all my blogs) to Good Stuff only.

It's list time, people.

Things I like that are good:

- Being a mad scientist of the culinary persuasion. Experimenting with recipes is fun.

- Peggle, Chocolatier, The Sims, Civ 4 - I'm sorry, but PC games are fun and addictive and they make me happy.

- Coming up with new "project" ideas - whether it be the recipe book I want to put together, the quote book I want to play with, the table top CD shelf I want to build, or The Organizational Manuscript for one of my novels. It's all fun and it's all productive.

- When I'm actually able to stay up all night writing.

- Sitting in a coffee shop with a Wi-Fi connection, doing research, and sipping coffee; periodically looking up and seeing Corey being equally creative.

- Steak and Shake Friday nights

- Corey's zen face.

- When Krishna is in town and/or visiting her in Tallahassee.

- KITFO NIGHT with Misha!

- Canoe trips with NERA.

- Hiking trips with Corey.

- (leaving out buyer's remorse)

- "My Name is Jorge" by The Gourds

- Rediscovering the brilliance of an album I haven't listened to in a while.

- Playing with PrintShop and Publisher.

- Watching Arrested Development


- Realizing that my Mom REALLY does value my opinion.

I could keep going forever here - and now I feel better.

Hope y'all do too.

Now - in all their glorious Silliness - The Gourds doing "My Name is Jorge"

1 comment:

  1. So true!

    "Rediscovering the brilliance of an album I haven't listened to in a while."

    I've got so much music, I have that moment every day. :)


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